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  • Mukesh Kumar, Maheshwar Gopu, Senthan Pugalneelam Parameswaran, Prerak Joshi, Dileep Mampallil∗, Evaporative Phase Separation in Polymer Microdroplets with Confinement and Internal Flow, JCIS Open, (2024).


















  • Jin Cui, Klaus Mathwig, Dileep Mampallil, Serge G Lemay, Potential-Controlled Adsorption, Separation, and Detection of Redox Species in Nanofluidic Devices, Anal. Chem. 90, 7127, (2018) 


Before 2018

  • Shuo Kang, Klaus Mathwig, Dileep Mampallil, Zinaida Kostiuchenko and S. G. Lemay, Single-molecule electrochemistry in nanochannels: probing the time of first passage. Faraday Discussions, (2016).


  • Dileep Mampallil, Julien Reboud, Rab Wilson, Douglas Wylie, David Klug and Jon Cooper. Acoustic Suppression of the Coffee-Ring Effect. Soft Matter, (2015). 


  • Ali Salehi-Reyhani, Frank Gesellchen, Dileep Mampallil, Rab Wilson, Julien Reboud, Oscar Ces, Keith Willison, Jon Cooper and David Klug. Chemical free lysis and fractionation of cells using surface acoustic waves for sensitive protein assays. Anal. Chem. 87, 2161, (2015).


  • Dileep Mampallil, Klaus Mathwig, Shuo Kang and Serge G. Lemay, Reversible Adsorption of Outer-Sphere Redox Molecules at Pt Electrodes, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5, 636-640, (2014).


  • Shuo Kang, Ab F. Nieuwenhuis , Klaus Mathwig, Dileep Mampallil, and Serge G. Lemay, Electrochemical Single-Molecule Detection in Aqueous Solution using Self-Aligned Nanogap Transducers, ACS Nano 7, 10931-10937, (2013).


  • Dileep Mampallil, H. Burak Eral, Adrian Staicu, Frieder Mugele, Dirk van den Ende, Electrowetting-driven oscillating drops sandwiched between two substrates, Phys. Rev. E88, 053015, (2013). 


  • Dileep Mampallil, Dhirendra Tiwari, Dirk van den Ende, Frieder Mugele, Sample Preconcentration inside Sessile Droplets using Electrowetting, Biomicrouidics 7, 044102 (2013).


  • Dileep Mampallil, Klaus Mathwig, Shuo Kang, and Serge G. Lemay, Redox Couples with Unequal Diffusion Coefficients: Effect on Redox Cycling, Anal. Chem. 85, 6053, (2013).


  • Klaus Mathwig, Dileep Mampallil, Shuo Kang, and Serge G. Lemay, Electrical Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy: Measuring Picoliter-per-Minute Flows in Nanochannels, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 118302, (2012).


  • Dileep Mampallil and Dirk van den Ende, Electro osmotic Shear Flow in Microchannels, J. Colloid and Interface Science 390, 234-241, (2012).


  • Dileep Mampallil, H. B. Eral, Dirk van den Ende and Frieder Mugele, Control of Evaporating Complex Fluids through Electrowetting, Soft Matter 8, 10614-10617, (2012).


  • Dileep Mampallil, Dirk van den Ende, and Frieder Mugele, Controlling Flow Patterns in Oscillating Sessile Drops by Breaking Azimuthal Symmetry, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 154102, (2011).


  • Burak Eral, Dileep Mampallil, Michel Duits, and Frieder Mugele, Suppressing the Coffee Stain Effect: How to Control Colloidal Self-assembly in Evaporating Drops using Electrowetting, Soft Matter 7, (2011).


  • Dileep Mampallil, Dirk van den Ende, Frieder Mugele, A Simple Method to Determine Surface Charge in Microfluidic Channels, Electrophoresis 31, 563569, (2010).


  • D. Mampallil, D. Aernout and J. Meersschaut, Field-cooling Effect in BiquadraticallyInterlayer-Coupled Fe/Cr/Fe Trilayers, Phys. Rev. B. 75, 060402(R) (2007).


  • Dileep Mampallil, Some Physics Inside Drying Droplets, Resonance 19 (2), 123, (2014).


  • Dileep Mampallil, Sajan D. George, Microfluidics- A Lab in Your Palm, Resonance 17 (7), 682, (2012). 


  • Burak Eral, Dileep Mampallil, Michel Duits, Dirk van den Ende and Frieder Mugele, Weg met die Koffiekringen, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, (Feb. 2012).



  • Huseyin Burak Eral, Dileep Mampallil and Frieder Mugele, Method for treating a drop of liquid, P2388568, International patent, Published on 23-11-2011.


Conference papers

  • Dileep Mampallil, Dirk van den Ende, Frieder Mugele, Electroosmotic Shear Flow in Microchannels, Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Micro Total Analysis Systems (MicroTAS), Groningen, Netherlands, 1124, (2010).


  • Klaus Mathwig, Dileep Mampallil, Shuo Kang, Serge G. Lemay, Detection of Sub-picoliter-per-Minute Flows by Electrochemical Autocorrelation Spectroscopy, Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Micro Total Analysis Systems (MicroTAS), Okinawa, Japan, (2012).


  • Klaus Mathwig, Shuo Kang, Dileep Mampallil, Serge G. Lemay, Pushing the Limits of Electrical Detection of Ultralow Flows in Nanofluidic Channels, 1st International conference on Micro Fluidic Handling Systems (MFHS), Enschede, Netherlands, (2012).


  • Dileep Mampallil, Julien Reboud, Rab Wilson, Jonathan M. Cooper, Surface Acoustic Waves for Concentrating Solutes upon Evaporation of Sessile Droplets, Proc. of the 18th International Conference on Micro Total Analysis Systems (MicroTAS), San Antonio, USA, (2014).

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